Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elephants for Water

If only I could remember how I got here. Not a clue. First to find out where here is. Hmmm. An awful lot of blue. Tons of it. Water's blue... That's it! I must be underwater. But why? I don't see anything in front of me. Well, that's not strictly true. I see blue. What else... Whaaaat else... Ah yes! There appears to be an elephant beneath me. Or above me. Which way is up? There doesn't seem to be a gravity of any kind here, so it's rather hard to tell. Without any point of reference from which to make a logical conclusion, I decide that the area away from my head is up, and the area away from my feet is down. Something about keeping my head up... What happened to that elephant? I can't find him! Now where does an elephant hide underwater? Strange that such a large creature could hide so easily in a completely barren environment. Even stranger, I still can't remember what or where is this madhouse! Look for clues, survey your surroundings, someone used to tell me. Anyways, I think I see something. How do I get closer? I was never very good at swimming, and even my best attempt dog paddle doesn't appear to be propelling me forward. But now, even as I think it, I move forward! Something very fishy is going on... Now that I'm closer, I can begin to make out the writing on the signpost. Yes, that's what it is. It's a signpost, of sorts. If I squint just right... W-E-L-C-O-M-E  T-O  Y-O-U-R  M-I--N-D,  Y-O-U  H-A-V-E  A-M-N-E-S-I-A!  E-N-J-O-Y  Y-O-U-R  S-T-A-Y!  Well this sucks... Now where did that darned elephant go?


  1. wow that was a really neat post. did you make that up? where did the elephant go?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I felt alone in the world after reading this. My world crumbled around me in burning ashes. The membrane lining my skull turned into literal cherry-flavored Jell-O. My eyes jumped out of their sockets and battled to the death with lightsabers and my nose grew into a WWI biplane. You could say this story had a great impact on my life as I know it.

  4. That's exactly how I felt. I find that the best muse is this image burned into my retinas... a sobbing clown, face smeared by tears and makeup, trying to cut his wrists with a colorful feather. I cry for days after thinking about it.
