Friday, December 9, 2011

Funeral for a Puppet

You say you mourn the puppet's death,
Yet these words infect his grave.
You two-faced Janus, upon his final breath!
No respect for the hell-bound slave.

Yes, a slave, I say, though you believe me not,
In his life no way your cruel conviction be appeased,
In his life, to frame him for the crime, you sought,
In his death known now as symptom, not disease.

Every demon upon this earth is made by mortal hands,
So that they may serve as our wrecked ship, a distant warning message.
Yet there lies the product of this same deceit, buried 'neath ashen sand,
Naught but a pawn in a higher game, made to play the savage.

Round and round, dancing under silent strings,
Unaware, like all mankind, of the affect of master's rule.
His time has come to soar on Valkyrie wings,
Now there he lies, coffin closed, the remnants of a tool.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Before you lies a cavern, scary enough your begin to quake,
A series of dark tunnels stretches out, decisions now to make,
You take the tunnel furthest right, filled with grim allure,
The ground is filled with rotten stuffs, squishy to toes that curl,
You continue, cautious, and yet...
OH NOES! A trap!
A reflex save, fortitude check? Constitution too?
What is this deadly poison in you?
Yes! Your level three bard base-bonus saved the day!
Succeeded Dex save, only half damage! What's this? Your face still turns gray?!
Behind you gather goblins, armed with prickly spears...
Initiative roll 20! U got nothing to fear!
Goblins going mad, your sword slashes past their puny AC,
As green blood sprays, dancing round, sword in hand, killing with glee!

Then your mom calls. Dungeons and Dragons is over for today.
You'll have to take up your slaying again next Saturday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elephants for Water

If only I could remember how I got here. Not a clue. First to find out where here is. Hmmm. An awful lot of blue. Tons of it. Water's blue... That's it! I must be underwater. But why? I don't see anything in front of me. Well, that's not strictly true. I see blue. What else... Whaaaat else... Ah yes! There appears to be an elephant beneath me. Or above me. Which way is up? There doesn't seem to be a gravity of any kind here, so it's rather hard to tell. Without any point of reference from which to make a logical conclusion, I decide that the area away from my head is up, and the area away from my feet is down. Something about keeping my head up... What happened to that elephant? I can't find him! Now where does an elephant hide underwater? Strange that such a large creature could hide so easily in a completely barren environment. Even stranger, I still can't remember what or where is this madhouse! Look for clues, survey your surroundings, someone used to tell me. Anyways, I think I see something. How do I get closer? I was never very good at swimming, and even my best attempt dog paddle doesn't appear to be propelling me forward. But now, even as I think it, I move forward! Something very fishy is going on... Now that I'm closer, I can begin to make out the writing on the signpost. Yes, that's what it is. It's a signpost, of sorts. If I squint just right... W-E-L-C-O-M-E  T-O  Y-O-U-R  M-I--N-D,  Y-O-U  H-A-V-E  A-M-N-E-S-I-A!  E-N-J-O-Y  Y-O-U-R  S-T-A-Y!  Well this sucks... Now where did that darned elephant go?